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Want to find a house in Philadelphia?
You choose the neighbourhood: Art Museum, Avenue of the Arts, Bella Vista, Chestnut Hill, Chinatown, East Falls, Fishtown, Fitler Square, Graduate Hospital, Loft District, Logan Square, Manayunk, Mount Airy, Northern
Liberties, Old City, Pennsport, Queen Village, Rittenhouse Square, Roxborough, Society Hill, South Philly, University City or Washington Square West.
You are able to chose the price range for your dream house. The minimum price for a house is $150,000.
You can search for a house using the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and the size of the house.Let’
Let’s take an example. A house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with a size of 1,750 with hardwood maple flooring, 15 ft ceilings, 11 ft windows, balcony, gourmet style kitchen with marble and granite finishes, glass tile
backsplash, breakfast bar and stainless steel appliances, baths with marble and granite finishes, Jacuzzi tub, Hansgrohe faucets (Thermostatic control) and double vanity cost $895,000.
Philadelphia Real Estate has over 3,000 houses to chose from.
You can find Philadelphia Real Estate at the following address Philly Living Realty . com, 170 W Independence Mall, Suite L-44, The Curtis Center, Philadelphia, PA 19106.