I have received an email from Kenton and he shared his list with the top 3 gift ideas for this Christmas. Because I liked the list I have publish it. You can see it below.
Top 3 gifts from 2011:
1. Skurf Caster Skates
2. Coffee Joulies
3. SparkBox Toys
Kenton bought the Caster Skates for his 12 years old son and the kid adores it. It’s similar to a RipStik, but no bar in between. A great toy for any teenage boy.
Kenton got the Coffee Joulies for himself and he want to integrate using this device in his routine.
Although his kid is to old for these toys, Kenton likes the SparkBox toys concept and plans to offer them as presents for his sister kids.
Thanks for sharing your gift ideas Kenton.