I have one unusual gift idea for today: miracle fruit + something to taste. I will explain in a minute why.
This idea is great for the times when you visit your friends and it can be used all the time no matter if it is Christmas or April fool’s day.
The Miracle Fruit Plant (Sideroxylon dulcificum / Synsepalun dulificum), sometimes known as the Miracle Berry / Miracle Berries, Mysterious Berry, or even the Flavour Berry is a plant native to the wet tropical lowlands of West Africa. What is special about the Miracle Fruit is that it is causing, bitter and sour foods to taste sweet. 🙂
Why to offer it as a gift
Along with something to taste after you’ve eaten the fruit, the Miracle Fruit will be a super fun, unusual gift. It is something that will make the people talk and laugh. It is great to taste a lemon after eating the fruit because it’s flavor will be different.
See how miracle fruit works in this video.
Also see the miracle fruit tested by the Braniac Tickle in the video below. It is super funny to see Tickle eating lemons and onion after he eaten the fruit and another Brainiac who didn’t.