The LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet is the perfect Christmas gifts for a little girl because kids love it and in plus they won’t play with your tablet.

LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet 

LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet is a fun and educational toy. This tablet is made especially for the little ones. They will play on it and in the same time they will learn useful things.

The LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet is an appropriate toy  for children ages 4 to 9 years.

It includes a built-in camera and video recorder, 5" touch screen for use with finger or included stylus and 4 apps (Pet Pad, Story Studio, Art Studio and one app of your choice).

The Perfect Christmas Gift For a Little Girl - LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet 7 LeapPad Explorer pinkThe Perfect Christmas Gift For a Little Girl - LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet 7

From the apps store you can get 100+ cartridge games, apps, digital books, videos and flash cards to make this tablet even more exciting.

LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet features innovative ultra eBooks  that provide word-by-word support, a Story Studio to combine art, audio and writing, Art, Animation and Photo studios to inspire imaginations.

This tablet for kids comes with a broad curriculum including reading, mathematics, science, geography, art, music, language and culture, health and more – skill levels automatically adjust the challenge to match each child’s pace and remember progress from game to game and book to book.

You can get this tablet from Amazon.comThe Perfect Christmas Gift For a Little Girl - LeapFrog LeapPad Explorer Learning Tablet 7.