eBay is loaded with everything from cars to underwear. While eBay is an excellent site for buying just about everything, it is important to understand what you are buying and what kind of support you are getting. It might be better to buy high-end digital cameras from a specialist, for example, because you have full services and other warranties. eBay Sellers can be retailers who have just added an eBay store, or they might just be an individual who is trying to make money. If you do not purchase correctly within the framework of eBay and PayPal, you could find yourself losing your money and losing your cool. Here is a look at the eBay mistakes you should avoid when purchasing items.
- PayPal Protection. You will only be protected when purchasing on eBay if you buy through PayPal. The eBay site does not offer the protection. It is PayPal that offers the protection. You must buy on eBay and then be directed to your linked PayPal account. Never buy off eBay any other way. This is a common mistake, and it means you are putting yourself at risk.
- Communicating With Users. Whether you are a Seller, or a Buyer, you should always communicate through eBay. Never give out your email address to Sellers. Some fraudulent Sellers will try to contact you outside of eBay and convince you to buy with other methods. If this is the case, report them to the eBay site. All communication on eBay means there are records of your discussions and Seller promises in the case of a dispute.
- Read and Understand the Protection Policy. Not all items on eBay will have a protection policy. You need to check whether the item you are buying has protection, and you should read the conditions of the policy and other information before you purchase. PayPal actually offers the protection, as noted above.
- Seller Info and Rating. The Seller info will tell you a lot about them. It will tell you, how long they have been using eBay and how many products they have sold, for example. You can also read the Seller feedback from previous customers and others they have purchased from. Check the feedback before making any purchase. Sometimes some criminals will use several accounts to buy and sell very cheap items between themselves, and create their own positive feedback. By reading this you will know if it is fake or genuine. Overly positive feedback on items for sale at around one dollar are usually an indication of this.
- Verified User. Although we cannot see much about a user’s PayPal account until we have made a purchase, knowing whether a use’s PayPal account is verified or not is extremely important. If they are not verified in PayPal, this means PayPal can only retrieve money from their PayPal account, and not from their bank. A Seller with a high number of feedback and sales will have a verified PayPal account. Users who have low ratings or low numbers of sales can only sell at cheaper prices because not many people want to buy from them. If they are also unverified by the time you get to the PayPal checkout, you should seriously reconsider your purchase. Explain to eBay and PayPal and they will not penalise you for not making your purchase.
Buying at auction means you are waving your consumer rights in most countries. When buying a high-price item, you should consider this. It is only PayPal that can help you. For example, when I am interested in purchasing Canon cameras, or other big brand names, I go with other locations because I am looking for specialist support and help. You might not get the same support from smaller sellers on eBay. Always read everything carefully and know the terms and conditions of any site you use.