Traditionally each set contains a unique combination of two ends with zero to six spots. It is a popular table game of two to four players. The most popular game in the world is played in the form of blocks because; it is the simplest and serves as the base for the other variations. Here, we are going to mention how two players can play it.


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· Basic Preparation:

1. Acquiring a set:

Various varieties are available but the standard set consists of 28 rectangular tiles. Pips are marked from 0 to 6 on the face side and the back side is blank and smooth. The stores also provide travelling case with it as the set is inexpensive.

2. Place :

The game should be played on flat surface, i.e. large tables would be better because it provides the descent amount of space. Play at a place where the level of noise is moderate because the tiles clatter when they’re set down.

3. Shuffling:

Move the tiles with your hands facing down, but take utmost care that the tile does not flip over. Once it has been mixed sufficiently, dash the tile on the side so that the play area is clear.

· How to play:

1. Opening hand:

The dash of yard is called bone yard. Each player has to randomly pick seven tiles from the bone yard and to place them in such a way that the opponent can’t see their faces.

2. Deciding the order:

Below mentioned are some points to decide the order of play:

  • Each player has to pick a tile from the bone yard and the player with the highest total value in his hand will serve first.
  • After reviewing the tiles, the player that has the highest total value, serves first.
  • The player counts the total number of doubles in his hand and the one that has the highest, serves first. Double means the same number of pips on both the side of the line.
  • Or else everything depends on the flip of the coin. If the coin shows the same side as the player called then he serves first.

3. First serve:

According to the convention the first tile is always double but if it is not possible then any tile can be used. As it would be the first tile, orientation doesn’t matter.

4. Turns:

As you would be having a hand of seven tiles, add a tile at the narrow side of the tile placed first. Assume that a player is playing a pair of 4 then you can play a tile with 4 at one side of it.

5. Award points:

The player who places all his dominoes wins the match and he/she is awarded the number of points equal to the one remaining tiles on the other players side.

Edwin Joseph, a blogger, an executive in strategic and management planning department, and a Dominoes player is keen to share this information so that he gets more competition.