Children are stimulated by so many things around them on a daily basis. As parents we have the responsibility to tap into this and encourage our children to play creatively and away from technology, for healthy periods of time. However as many of us parents are busier than ever these days, finding the time to instigate and encourage creative play can be more challenging. Yet there are certain playthings that have stood the test of time and evolved over many generations, and one of these is the concept of a play tent or wendy house. These days some of the most popular versions of these creative play places are children wigwams.
1. Children Wigwams Encourage Role Play
One of the most creative stimuli of childrens wigwams is the fact that they encourage role play. In this setting your child and his friends, brothers and sisters, can be anyone they want to be. The children may do simple role playing of being a family unit, as children love to play at being adults.
The fun, colourful setting of these wigwams encourage children to play at being cowboys, indians, fairies, elves, and lots of characters that we cannot even name because they are created in a child’s imagination.
As children up until the age of 7/8 years operate predominantly from their subconscious, a creative setting like a wigwam is wonderful food for their lively subconsious minds. Your child and his playmates can dress up and role play whatever they feel like.
2. Your Child Can Have His Or Her Own Tribe
On some level your child feels the tribal origin of the wigwam. In fact the original name for a wigwam was wikiup, and this could either have been a temporary or permanent dwelling used by Native Americans. Imagine little Suzy or Jack having a pow-wow with his or her own little tribe in the wigwam. The setting encourages creative bonding between a child and his playmates.
3. A Child’s Wigwam Encourages Outdoor Play In Good Weather
Depending where you live playing outdoors may be limited to certain times of the year. However between televisions, computers and other gadgets children need to be encouraged to play outdoors whenever possible. In good weather a child’s wigwam presents the perfect opportunity for your child to be out in the garden with his friends.
4. Children Wigwams Provide A Special Space For Children
Having a wigwam for a child provides this special space of their own, which is like a little home or den away from adults. This in itself triggers their creative side as they feel a sense of it being their own little special world.
5. Wigwams Are Easily Set Up Both Inside And Outside
Of course the vast majority of us live in climates that are not suitable for outdoor play all year around. Wigwams are just as easily set up inside as they are outside. This means that this space for creative play is available to your child throughout the whole year.
I used to have wendy house, a very long time ago and it lasted for so many years and I have wonderful childhood memories of it. If you wish to buy a wigwam for your child, check out for a quality range of childrens wigwams, which will bring joy and encourage your child to play creatively.