Mother’s Day is seemingly always just around the corner, and you may have once again found yourself in the position where you simply don’t know what to get the most important lady in your life. Luckily for you, we’ve got an absolutely fabulous idea that Mom will be sure to love. Instead of falling back on flowers or bath salts, why don’t you get her something unique that she will enjoy for a long period of time and be reminded of you every time she sees it? If you purchase something like a good selection of designer upholstery fabrics, you can easily make her anything from a quilt to a pillow and plenty of stuff in between- if she’s the artsy type, you can even just give her the fabric directly and let her create her own present!

Never Know What to get Mom for Mother's Day- We Got You Covered

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Getting the Right Fabric

You must pick the right indoor-outdoor fabrics in order to truly create a special individualized gift for your mother. Once you have the fabrics, it’s up to you to decide what to make. Whether you want to redo her couch or create some comfortable pillows for her patio furniture is up to you. Try to find high-quality fabrics that are designed to resist normal wear and tear and even weather damage so that they will be perfect for any room inside or outside the home.

Why She’ll Love it

Mom will love this gift because it is both unexpected and thoughtful. Not many children can say that they have purchased fabric to create a handmade gift for their mother’s, and you can be sure that she will be bragging to all of her friends in no time. So while your siblings fall back on a greeting card and a gift certificate to her favorite coffee house, you can show her that you truly care and that you put a lot of thought into a gift that you knew she would love.

Taking it One Step Further

The only thing that could make this already-amazing idea even better is if you bought the fabric and the other materials required for making something like a blanket or a pillow and then asking if the two of you could do it together. Invite her to teach you how to create something unique with her own individual artistic touch. This will create an opportunity for the two of you to spend time together, and what mother hasn’t complained about a lack of that? So make the right decision this mother’s day and break the mold- you can rest assured that she will never forget it.

Article by Brionna Kennedy